How to Increase Living Space in Manor Lords

Manor Lords

To increase Living Space, you must build or expand Burgage Plots. Living Space determines the number of families that can live in your village. If the number of families exceeds the available Living Space (for example, if your houses are burned by bandits), some families will become homeless and provoke a decrease in Approval.

How to Build a Burgage Plot

Go to the Construction (C) sectionResidential and select “Burgage Plot.”

Burgage Plot building

Since the construction belongs to the “Flexible Plot” type, you must mark the construction area on the map with 4 mouse clicks, as shown in the screenshot.

Burgage Plot building

The white line indicates the front part of the buildings. Along it you can see points through which houses will be connected to the road.

Burgage Plot direction

The standard house icon denotes the actual dwelling where people will live.

Burgage Plot living space

If you see a house icon with a “+” sign nearby, it means you will be able to expand the Burgage Plot after construction. In an expanded Burgage Plot, 2 families can live instead of one.

Burgage Plot expanding icon

The icon with a hammer inside the house means that various Extensions will be available for this Burgage Plot, such as Vegetable Garden, Brewery, and others.

Burgage Plot extension icon

TIP: Build your Burgage Plots and any other constructions along roads. This will improve logistics. First, lay down the road, then place your constructions along it. It’s important to learn this from the very beginning of the game.

Thus, the shape of the area you mark for building Burgage Plots directly affects their functionality.

Burgage Plot building settings

Note that you can adjust the location and size of your Burgage Plots before construction. Using the button with a circular arrow, you can rotate the plot, and using the “+” and “-” buttons, you can add or reduce plot division.

How to Expand a Burgage Plot

You can expand a Burgage Plot only if its residential area is wide enough. In this case, during construction, you will see a house icon with a “+” sign.

Burgage Plot expanding

If you do not see such an icon during construction, you will not be able to expand the Burgage Plot in the future.

Note that building a Burgage Plot of a certain shape for intentional expanding in the future does not make sense. This possibility is rather a useful addition. For example, if you couldn’t fit 2 Burgage Plots in a certain area of the map, you can build 1 instead and expand it.

Example of expanded Burgage Plot, when it's really useful

You can see an example of such a situation in the screenshot above.

How to Increase Burgage Plot Level

Burgage Plots have 3 levels of development. To increase the level, you must fulfill the conditions listed in the building interface, and then click the “Upgrade to level…” button.

Burgage Plot level increasing

Note that Burgage Plots located near the Marketplace receive Fuel, Food, and Clothing first. In the Marketplace interface, the abundance of these goods is indicated by a percentage value from 0% (goods are absent) to 100% (goods are sufficient for all houses). By hovering over any of the goods, you can see which Burgage Plots currently have access to it and which do not.

Marketplace interface

To improve more Burgage Plots, you must increase the amount of Fuel, Food, and Clothing available in the Marketplace. Ideally, there should be enough goods for all residents (100%).

Burgage Plot Levels

The amount of generated Regional Wealth (Silver) and the volume of Living Space in Burgage Plots change depending on the level.

  • Level 1 = 1 Living Space (2 if extended), 0 Silver per family per month
  • Level 2 = 1 Living Space (2 if extended), 1 Silver per family per month
  • Level 3 = 2 Living Space (4 if extended), 2 Silver per family per month

Thus, a Burgage Plot of level 3 can accommodate 2-4 families and generate passive income of Regional Wealth ranging from 4-8 Silver per month.

Tasks to increase Settlement Level (example)

Increasing the level of Burgage Plot is important also because it is required to raise Settlement Level and earn Development Points.

Burgage Plot Extensions

Burgage Plots can have Extensions only if they are of elongated rectangular shape. In this case, during construction, you will see a house icon with a hammer inside.

Not every Burgage Plot can have extensions, you need to build it properly

Currently, the following Extensions are available in the game.

Burgage Plot level 1 or higher

  • Vegetable Garden (requires 15 Silver). Passively produces Vegetables. The yield depends on the plot size.
  • Chicken Coop (requires 25 Silver). Passively produces Eggs.
  • Goat Shed (requires 25 Silver). Passively produces Hides.
  • Apple Orchard (requires 50 Silver and the unlocked development branch “Orchardry”). Passively produces Apples (harvest will be around September every year). After building this Extension, it takes about 3 years for the trees to grow and start yielding Apple crops.

Burgage Plot level 2 or higher

  • Bakery (requires 5 Silver, 5 Planks, and the unlocked development branch “Bakeries”). Produces Bread from Flour twice as efficiently as the Communal Oven.
  • Blacksmith’s Workshop (requires 5 Silver, 5 Planks). Can produce Tools, Spears, and Sidearms.
  • Brewery (requires 5 Silver, 5 Planks). Produces Ale from Malt.
  • Tailor’s Workshop (requires 5 Silver, 5 Planks). Can produce Clothes, Cloaks, and Gambesons.
  • Cobbler’s Workshop (requires 5 Silver, 5 Planks). Produces Shoes.
  • Joiner’s Workshop (requires 4 Planks). Can produce Wooden Parts and Shields.
  • Armorer’s Workshop (requires 10 Silver, 4 Planks, and the unlocked development branch “Basic Armormaking”). Produces Helmets. After unlocking “Advanced Armormaking,” it can produce Mail Armor. After unlocking “Master Armormaking,” it can produce Plate Armor.
  • Fletcher’s Workshop (requires 4 Planks). Produces Warbows.

It is very important to build Burgage Plots in such a way that they can have Extensions, as Extensions mean production of useful goods, as well as passive additional food production (Eggs, Vegetables, Apples) or Hides. This way, it will be easier to feed your population, protect them from enemies, and provide them with everything they need.

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